Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Best themes for windows 8

Want to give a new look to your windows 8 or just bored with the same windows design. Well for this situations you have plenty of options to refresh your windows 8 design including install third party apps. Applying third-party themes is one of the most easiest and fastest way to change your windows design.
So today, In this post i am going to share my list of top 10 best window 8 themes, you can pick anyone and apply or install on your windows system. But by default windows restricted users to modify its settings and also does not allow to install third party themes on your windows 8, but thankfully here is a free tool named UltraUXThemePatcher can automatically bypass all restrictions.
All you have to do is, just download and install this tool on your computer and then download any of below win 8 themes and copied that themes files to this folder.
Now just double click on the .theme file to apply the theme on your windows 8 system,

Best Windows 8 Themes

1. White Update (By s4r1n994n)
2. Snow Leopard Glass for Win 8 (By sagorpirbd)
3. Holo Visual Style PreFinal (By bhast2)
4. WhiteDior Visual Style for Windows 8 (By RidKurn)
5. Gray8-final (By gsw953onDA)
6. Mild 8 (By dIzzEE94)
7. Simplex RC for Windows 8 (By link6155)
8. Elune for Windows 8 (By neiio)elune_for_windows_8_windows_8_download
9. Win 8 – Thrives (By neiio)
10. Windows Classic Vs (By xXiNightXx)
Hope you liked my collections of 10 best windows 8 themes, Also share your favorite window 8 theme with us in comment section.

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